National Coalition of Associations for Patients suffering Chronic Diseases (CnAMC)
The CnAMC is a network of Cittadinanzattiva established in 1996, which represents an example of crosscutting alliance between associations of people with chronic and rare diseases, for the protection of their rights. It has about one hundred members. From 2000, it publish a National Annual Report on chronic policies.
The member associations
If you want to know all the member associations, click here
The organization
The CnAMC is driven in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of Cittadinanzattiva by the National Coordinator of the network, elected by the National Directorate. To ensure the comparison, the national coordinator avails itself of thematic working groups consisting of leaders of patient organizations belonging to the network. To learn more click here
The goals of the CnAMC
- PROMOTE TRANSVERSALITY: define and pursue common public health policies based on the principle of integrated and unitary protection;
- PRODUCING CIVIC INFORMATION: realize an annual report on the chronicity, which expresses a genuine political platform based on the demands and expectations of the member associations;
- GIVING A VOICE TO CHRONICITY: to act as a sounding board of the requirements of individual organizations, giving them greater visibility and training;
- INCREASING THE INFORMATION: pick up and deliver real-time news on the world of chronicity (new laws, rulings useful, new experiments, the bills under discussion, etc.);
- ENCOURAGE COMMUNICATION: The CnAMC facilitate communication and the exchange of positive experiences between the associations, in order to ensure the socialization and reproducibility of good practices;
- PROMOTE EDUCATION: investing in education and leadership development organizations of the chronically ill and the ability to interact with institutional and other stakeholders;
- SUPPORT THE CIVIC PARTICIPATION: working through activities, initiatives and events that promote and support the direct participation of citizens.
The membership of an association for the protection of the chronically ill to CnAMC allows:
- make themselves more visible through the inclusion of their data in the list of member associations to CnAMC on our website;
- receive the weekly newsletter of Cittadinanzattiva;
- receive the regular newsletter of CnAMC;
- participate at seminars and conferences of common interest;
- have the ability, using the strength of the entire Coordination, to interact with the institutional actors at the various levels of government also on individual battles;
- protect the rights of people with chronic and rare diseases.
In order to have information on how join the CnAMC or if you want to receive the regular newsletter of CnAMC, please write to
(last update: September, 2023)