

giornata mondiale acqua guida copy copy copy copy

What emerges from the Observatory Prices and Tariffs of Cittadinanzattiva – carried out as part of the project “Consapevolmente consumatore, ugualmente Cittadino” ("Consciously consumer, equally citizen") and financed by the Ministry of Economic Development (Ministerial Decree of February 7, 2018) – is that in 2019 the amount spent by a family (average family of three members with an annual consumption of 192 cubic meters) for the water bill is equal to €434, which reflects a 2% increase compared to 2018.

The regions in central Italy reaffirm their primacy for the highest rates with € 595 per year (+ 2.7% compared to 2018); yet, the greatest increase is found in the South and in the Islands (+ 3.1%).

To receive an overall picture of the state of the integrated water service, including tariffs, quality and protection, it is possible to consult the data of each province’s dossier on the INFORMAP website, (IT language), or by downloading the report (IT language).

The telephone number 06/36718040 is also active (Monday from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm & Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 1 pm) to provide citizens with information on local public services (water service, waste, local public transport, municipal nurseries).

To know more about the Observatory Prices and Tariffs, click here (ENIT).

To read the article in Italian, click here.


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