

The management of waste is emblematic of the many contradictions that happens in Italy: the service does not improve and the costs borne by households are increasing.
Suffice  to say that about half of the waste goes to landfills and recycling is sluggish in the Centre and South of Italy. In 2013, every Italian on average, has produced 487 kg of municipal waste, less than previous years but still a big quantity,  if you think that more than half ends up in landfills or is incinerated.
Last year, only 42.3% of municipal waste was differentiated, an amount far below the target set by law (65% by 2012).

Taking into account the above situation, the involvement of citizens in the evaluation of this service is crucial, even though it is still a utopia. To testify Cittadinanzattiva’s commitment on this topic,it launched a civic mobilization on waste services during the last European Week for Waste Reduction.

Watch the video “5 useful tips to keep the city clean” (IT version)

Watch the video of Cittadinanzattiva Montefalcione (IT version)

Download the free guide (IT - EN - ES)

Download the flyer and the poster for the protection of the citizen (IT version)

The initiatives are part of the activities under the project "Consumers in the network: give strength to our rights" created by Cittadinanzattiva in collaboration with Adiconsum, Associazione Utenti dei Servizi Radiotelevisivi, CTCU and funded by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Renesa Islam

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